源于美国 University of Wisconsin – Madison
inquiry@aimieditor.com 9:00-18:00






1 小修(Minor Revisions)

◇ This is a well-written manuscript that only needs to undergo a few minor changes. First, …

◇ The manuscript is based on impressive empirical evidence and makes an original contribution. Only minor revisions are needed before it can be published.

◇ I thoroughly enjoyed reviewing this manuscript and only have some minor requests for revision.


1) 原创性不够突出


◇ The authors develop a unique theoretical framework, and I believe that they should highlight their originality much more.

2) 文献综述不完整


◇ The authors conduct very relevant research, but fail to emphasise the relevance in their introduction.

◇ The manuscript contains an elaborate literature review, but definitions of the key concepts are needed in the introduction.

◇ The theoretical framework is promising but incomplete. In my opinion, the authors cannot make their current claims without considering writings on…

◇ The literature review is promising, but disregards recent publications in the field of…

3) 论点不清晰


◇ The authors draw on extensive empirical evidence. I believe that they can put forward their arguments much more confidently.

4) 语言表达问题


◇ To improve the readability of the paper, I suggest dividing the analysis into several subsections.

◇ I had difficulties understanding the first paragraph on page 5, and suggest that the authors reformulate and simplify it.

◇ Throughout the manuscript, there are several language mistakes. Therefore, I recommend a professional round of language editing before the paper is published.

◇ The paper should undergo professional language editing before it can be published.

5) 图表使用不恰当


◇ Figure 3 is difficult to read and should be adjusted.

◇ Table 1 and 2 can be combined to create a better overview.

2 大修(Major Revisions)

◇ The manuscript shows a lot of promise, but some major issues need to be addressed before it can be published.

◇ This manuscript addresses a timely topic and makes a relevant contribution to the field. However, some major revisions are needed before it can be published.

◇ I enjoyed reading this manuscript, and believe that it is very promising. At the same time, I identified several issues that require the authors' attention.

◇ The manuscript sheds light on an interesting phenomenon. However, it also has several shortcomings. I strongly encourage the authors to address the following points.


1) 关键论点需进一步阐述

◇ The authors of this manuscript have an ambitious objective and draw on an interesting dataset. However, their main argument is unclear.

◇ The key argument needs to be worked out and formulated much more clearly.

2) 缺少论证


◇ The empirical evidence is at times insufficient to support the authors’ claims. For instance, in section…

◇ I encourage the authors to provide more in-depth evidence. For instance, I would like to see more interview quotes and a more transparent statistical analysis.

◇ The authors work with an interesting dataset. However, I was missing more detailed insights in the actual results. I believe that several additional tables and figures can improve the authors’ argumentation.

3) 对内容产生疑问


◇ I believe that the manuscript addresses a relevant topic and includes a timely discussion. However, I struggled to understand section 3.1.

◇ I think that the manuscript can be improved by removing section 4 and integrating it into section 5.

◇ The line of argumentation should be improved by dividing the manuscript into clear sections with subheadings.






[1] https://master-academia.com/reviewer-comments-examples-overview/?expand_article=1#aioseo-examples-of-reject-reviewer-comments

阅读(702) 2024年03月18日
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