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SCI投稿时的Lay Summary是什么?怎么写?
lay Summary,abstract,论文写作,论文润色,英语润色,埃米编辑


Elsevier、Taylor & Francis旗下的一些杂志,鼓励作者在论文投稿时提交Lay Summary(也称Plain Language Summary)。有的资助机构也要求将Lay Summary作为其申请程序的一部分。那么Lay Summary是什么?怎么写呢?

1 Lay Summary是什么

学术论文往往有着专业术语和复杂概念,这可能会影响非专业读者的阅读兴趣,为了突破这种局限,面向公众的Lay Summary,即简明摘要,应运而生。

Lay Summary,是一种针对非专业读者撰写的研究摘要,目的在于用简单易懂的语言,向非专家(如公众、政策制定者或其他学科的科学家)解释论文的研究内容和意义。


1) Lay Summary的作用

◆ 作者投稿后,期刊编辑在初评论文时,可借助简明摘要来了解论文,并选择合适的审稿人。

◆ 方便那些希望跨学科研究并寻找交叉点的人快速了解研究内容。

◆ 帮助媒体和科学传播者更容易地报道您的研究成果。

◆ 方便那些浏览文章寻找有趣内容的读者或英语不熟练的读者。

◆ 对刚进入该领域的新手,例如本科生,有一个易于理解的概览。

2 如何撰写Lay Summary

1) 关键要素

◆ 主题概述:1-3句简单的语言解释研究领域的背景知识,指出为什么这个问题重要,为非专业读者提供理解论文所需的主题背景。

◆ 论文概述:1-3句话阐述您的研究试图解决什么问题,用通俗的表达说明研究目标。

◆ 解释研究过程:用非专业语言简单介绍您的研究方法,但不需要太详细。

◆ 发现总结:1-3句话突出研究的核心发现或结论,用简单的例子或类比帮助读者理解,避免深入解释技术细节。

◆ 强调实际意义:1-2句话解释您的研究如何影响现实生活或未来研究,回答“这项研究为什么重要?”

2) 注意事项

◆ 以本科生的科学理解水平为基准来写作,尽可能使用通俗易懂的语言来解释。

◆ 避免使用术语和专业缩写,如果必须使用术语,确保给予清晰解释。

◆ 注意那些对非专业人士可能有不同含义的词汇,如:skill,regime,signal,uncertainty,mean等。

◆ 注意不要过度简化,损害研究的准确性,也不要夸大研究的实际影响或潜在应用,尽量客观现实。

◆ 一般使用第一人称和主动语态,使用肯定句而不是否定句。

◆ 格式、篇幅长度符合目标期刊的要求,通常不超过300字。

◆ 在提交之前,请非专业朋友或家人阅读您的Lay Summary,看看他们是否能够理解,如果他们有疑问,可能需要进一步修改。

3 与Abstract的区别

1) 目标读者


Lay Summary:针对非专业读者,避免使用技术术语和复杂的表达,更多关注研究的实际意义和应用。

2) 语言风格


Lay Summary:语言通俗易懂,避免过于技术化的描述,更注重故事性和对研究背景、意义的解释。

3) 内容侧重点


Lay Summary:更加关注研究的背景和实际影响,解释为什么研究重要、对社会的意义是什么。

Lay Summary应传达与Abstract相同的信息,但需要采用完全不同的语言和语调,确保普通大众与外行人员能够理解研究内容。

4 如何将Abstract转化成Lay Summary

下面用一篇摘要进行拆分举例,看看如何将Abstract改写为Lay Summary。

1) 主题概述部分


We assess evidence relevant to Earth’s equilibrium climate sensitivity per doubling of atmospheric CO2, characterized by an effective sensitivity S. This evidence includes feedback process understanding, the historical climate record, and the paleoclimate record. An S value lower than 2 K is difficult to reconcile with any of the three lines of evidence. The amount of cooling during the Last Glacial Maximum provides strong evidence against values of S greater than 4.5 K. Other lines of evidence in combination also show that this is relatively unlikely.

Lay Summary写法:

Earth’s global “climate sensitivity” is a fundamental quantitative measure of the susceptibility of Earth’s climate to human influence. A landmark report in 1979 concluded that it probably lies between 1.5°C and 4.5°C per doubling of atmospheric carbon dioxide, assuming that other influences on climate remain unchanged. In the 40 years since, it has appeared difficult to reduce this uncertainty range.

2) 论文概述部分

Abstract:We use a Bayesian approach to produce a probability density function (PDF) for S given all the evidence, including tests of robustness to difficult-to-quantify uncertainties and different priors.

Lay Summary:In this report we thoroughly assess all lines of evidence including some new developments.

3) 发现总结部分

Abstract:The 66% range is 2.6–3.9 K for our Baseline calculation and remains within 2.3–4.5 K under the robustness tests; corresponding 5–95% ranges are 2.3–4.7 K, bounded by 2.0–5.7 K (although such high-confidence ranges should be regarded more cautiously). This indicates a stronger constraint on S than reported in past assessments, by lifting the low end of the range. This narrowing occurs because the three lines of evidence agree and are judged to be largely independent and because of greater confidence in understanding feedback processes and in combining evidence.

Lay Summary:We find that a large volume of consistent evidence now points to a more confident view of a climate sensitivity near the middle or upper part of this range. In particular, it now appears extremely unlikely that the climate sensitivity could be low enough to avoid substantial climate change (well in excess of 2°C warming) under a high-emission future scenario. We remain unable to rule out that the sensitivity could be above 4.5°C per doubling of carbon dioxide levels, although this is not likely.

4) 主要收获部分

Abstract:We identify promising avenues for further narrowing the range in S, in particular using comprehensive models and process understanding to address limitations in the traditional forcing-feedback paradigm for interpreting past changes.

Lay Summary:Continued research is needed to further reduce the uncertainty, and we identify some of the more promising possibilities in this regard.

通过这种转换,将科学术语和技术内容转化为普通读者能够理解的信息,便是撰写lay summary的关键。快快动手写起来,争取将自己的研究成果发扬光大哦。

关于如何撰写Lay Summary,你还有什么想法吗?




[1] https://www.agu.org/Publish-with-AGU/Publish/Author-Resources/Plain-Language-Summary

[2] https://authorservices.taylorandfrancis.com/publishing-your-research/writing-your-paper/how-to-write-a-plain-language-summary/?_gl=1*10z5iic*_gcl_au*MjExNzcwNDUzNy4xNzE5ODAxODMw*_ga*MjI2NDQwOTQ5LjE3MTk4MDE4MzE.*_ga_0HYE8YG0M6*MTcyMzUxMzA2OS43LjEuMTcyMzUxNjE1My4yMy4wLjA.&_ga=2.235711874.2062711692.1723513070-226440949.1719801831 

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