源于美国 University of Wisconsin – Madison
inquiry@aimieditor.com 9:00-18:00







◆ 总体评价主要是整体评价文章,包括优缺点,给出总体意见,如“接受(Accept)”、“大修(Major)”、“小修(Minor)”或“拒稿(Reject)”。

◆ 逐条意见就是论文的各种问题了。大修意见可能涉及论文的实验设计、数据分析、结构布局等核心内容。小修可能包括语言表达、拼写错误、写作规范等问题。

1 案例解析

本篇案例是发表在Chemical Science的一篇论文,经历了三轮同行评审,多个大修小修,历时5个月,最终成功发表。

Chemical Science是化学综合类TOP期刊,中科院一区,最新影响因子7.6分。 


1) 第一轮









【首先总结论文主要工作,指出论文优点】……present a very interesting and fascinating study …… Many new reaction patterns emerged, and the resulting complexes were thoroughly characterized by various experimental techniques and DFT computations. 

【接着指出了论文缺点】Nevertheless, the language of the manuscript makes it sometimes hard to digest and a thorough proof-reading is required as one example might serve: ……The sentence is grammatically incorrect and not readily understandable. 

【然后给出了整体大修的意见】Overall while I am expressed by the quality and the amount work carried by the authors, I believe major revisions are required before the manuscript is actually suitable for Chemical Science as a premier journal in the area. Nevertheless, the manuscript certainly appeals to a broader audience than just those chemists working in the area of f-element chemistry. 

【具体意见】I request that the authors consider the following points: 

1. No reference to “Scheme 1, b” and “Scheme 2, b” in the manuscript. It would be nice to reference these aspects explicitly in the manuscript. 【引用的问题】


2. With respect to ligand design what is the function of the ……? It never coordinates, what a simple alkylation of …… serve a similar purpose. 【实验设计的问题】



【直接提出重要问题:另一篇类似研究未被提及或引用,应该进行比较】Crucial: I have recently reviewed another similar manuscript of this group with the title “***" (submitted to **杂志**期). This former study also deals with reactivity of ……This work is not cited and mentioned in the present manuscript. In my opinion, comparison should be drawn.


接着对introduction和conclusion的写作提出意见,同时提到要注意语言表达和语法问题。introduction: comparison to transition metal chemistry should be more elaborate.


- conclusion is not comprehensible as it stands. It should be written in way that the reader will understand without going back and forth to the results and discussion section - lots of awkward wording and grammar.





再来一个大修。首先认可作者做出的工作The authors are to be commended for a great deal of difficult work……This paper will interest a wide audience of chemists looking for better/new ways to effect these transformations.

然后提出了对实验设计的重要问题和修改意见。编辑的decision letter中提示要重点关注审稿人4,就是这个基本盘的问题了。

However, here no solution state reactivity characterisation or experimental mechanistic study are reported at all.

The DFT is plausible and comes from respected authors, but there is no way to judge is it is mechanistically correct, and/or general (only 2 reactions are studied). 



If this paper were able to be re-written to be more concise, while including experimental/solution state exploration (even of a smaller number of reaction partners, and with a smaller number of metals) that enabled the authors to draw some conclusions of what happens when and how (that would do – the why is very hard), then it would represent a breakthrough, and science that could be utilised by the wider community, and be an obvious candidate for publication in this flagship journal. 



【首先感谢编辑和审稿人】Thank you very much for your comments and efforts in managing the manuscript submitted to Chemical Science (assigned No: ***). 

【根据审稿人意见修改了论文,提供回复列表】We have revised the paper according to your suggestion and reviewers’ comments. A list of responses to referees’ comments can be read in the responses to referees. 

【作者还提供了修订后的电子补充信息,修订后的CheckCIF,标出高亮的PDF版本,以及PDF的干净版本的论文】On behalf of all coauthors and myself, and according to your suggestion, we now submit the revised paper to the Chemical Science for publication. All coauthors have confirmed the submission of the revision. Along with this submission, the revised electronic supplementary information, revised CheckCIF, a highlighted PDF version, and a PDF version of the paper are provided. 

【在语言方面,作者重新组织了文本,提高语言逻辑性,以便读者理解研究结果的要点。并举例说明了具体修改内容】In this revision, we reorganized the text to make it more logically to help readers to understand the main points of the findings.The main revision includes……

【增加了参考文献、数据可用性说明、修改了CheckCIF】The data availability section was added in this revision. Some of references were added in this revision. The content of the data availability is added. The CheckCIF was revised to provide the number of complexes in accordance with main text. 

【再次表示感谢】We hope this revision will guarantee the quality of the paper to meet the requirements of Chemical Science. We would highly appreciate if you have the paper examined and recommended to the journal for publication. 

2) 返修后收到第二轮意见



审稿人2:总体认可“接受”, 建议改进结论部分,简化一些冗长的句子。



审稿人1:【首先表示了对作者积极回复的认可,建议“接受”】The authors responded well to the reviewers' comments and significantly improved the manuscript. Hence acceptance is recommended. 【提出需要对论文措辞做出细微调整】Minor improvements in the wording of the manuscript should then by done during the type-setting of the manuscript generating the galley proofs by RSC.


【同样认可作者做出的努力,建议“接受”】Most of the issues raised by the reviewers regarding the previous submission have been addressed satisfactorily while the manuscript improved considerably. Therefore, I do have no further objections to publication of this work in Chem. Sci., but the authors might give further consideration to the following minor issues.


- conclusion is still not comprehensible as it stands……still the reader has to go back and forth to the results and discussion section.

- the manuscript still contains awkward wording and grammar……many sentences are too long and hard to understand. Same is true for several of the Schemes, which are too densely arranged, overloaded hard to comprehend. 




【作者提供了审稿人意见回复列表】A list of responses to reviewers’ comments and suggestions

【针对共识的问题,作者重排方案、重绘图表;请专家对论文进行润色提升;修改了参考文献】General remarks on the revision: 

In this revision, we reorganized the text to make it more logically to help readers to understand the main points of the findings. The main revisions include: Schemes and Figures in the article were redrawn and rearranged…… The text of the article was carefully revised including modification of sentences and improvement of grammar, and we have also asked an expert for help to improve English. Moreover, the references have also been carefully checked and revised accordingly. 


Reviewer 1

Comments: The authors……

Response: Thanks for the comments and recommendation. We have carefully checked and modified the words and sentences in the article, and rearranged the Scheme diagrams, hoping to make the manuscript easier to follow.

3) 第三轮:




The authors´efforts to improve the clarity of the manuscript are much appreciated.

No further objections to publication of this fine work in Chem. Sci.


2 关键总结:审稿背后的成功秘籍

1) 审稿意见是提升论文的“法宝”


2) 别怕“大修”,放平心态


3) “小修”意见也不能忽视


4) 积极回应,赢得审稿人好感


5) 审稿是一场“耐心马拉松”






[1] https://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2024/SC/D4SC04197F

阅读(455) 2025年01月21日
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