1 申请延期的邮件怎么写?
1) 写申请邮件时,要说清楚下面这些关键点:
■ 对编辑和审稿人的付出表示感谢。
■ 说明自己已经在努力修改了,但是为了保证修改质量,确实需要更多时间。
■ 阐明原因:理由一定要充分,比如:需要补充新的实验数据;修改的部分较多,需要更长的时间来完善;需要安排论文润色等。千万不要说“忘记看日期”这种理由,感觉你就不重视嘛。
■ 要延期多长时间?作者可以根据实际工作量,酌情确定延期的时间,一般来说major revision的延期时间是2-3个月,太长也不合适。
2 需要注意的问题
■ 不要到截止期限才申请。SCI期刊基本都是线上进行,如果申请得太晚,线上系统会来不及修改。
■ 不同期刊要求不同,有的期刊要求过了Deadline才需要给编辑发邮件修改期限,按规定完成就行。
■ 如果责编一直没有回复,要给主编或者编辑部写信,说明情况,请主编或则杂志社帮忙解决。
3 申请信模板
例如:This is regarding the re-submission of the manuscript entitled “xxxx(Manuscript Name)”. The manuscript ID is _______.
According to the reviewers’ suggestions and comments, more experiments should be conducted for our manuscript. We are afraid that we can not resubmit the revised paper before the deadline (within XXX days).
In order to fully revise the manuscript as required by referees, we need more time to finish this revision.
The revision process has proven to be more intricate than anticipated, as I have encountered certain methodological complexities that necessitate further investigation. In order to ensure the accuracy and integrity of my findings, additional time is required to address these issues comprehensively.
We would like to request an extension of the re-submission deadline. The revised manuscript was checked by an Editing Service Provider to address your concerns regarding the language quality of our manuscript. Now I need a few more days to receive the polished manuscript, so I request you to kindly consider the circumstances and extend the resubmission deadline to April 22nd. We assure you that the revised manuscript will be uploaded by this deadline.
例如:The manuscript has been carefully rechecked and appropriate changes have been made in accordance with the reviewers’ suggestions. The responses to their comments have been completed. Finally, we would like to thank you and the reviewers for your thoughtful suggestions and insights, which have enriched the manuscript and produced a more balanced and better account of the research.
I hope that the proposed date for re-submission is acceptable to you and look forward to your reply.
▼ 通用模板:
Dear [编辑姓名],
Thanks for your email informing us that our manuscript entitled " [文章题目]" (Manuscript ID: [稿件编号] ) is due for revision. We appreciate that you gave us a chance of major revision to improve our manuscript to meet the publication requirements of your journal.
However, due to [具体原因], we would like to ask you to extend the deadline for further revision. Could you please extend the due day to [希望延长的时间]? Thanks for your kindness.
Best regards,
[1] https://captionsboy.com/how-to-write-email-asking-for-extension-of-revised-manuscript/