1 样本选择不合适,怎么回复?
I am seriously not certain why you decided to present a ERBB2 case who was a 52 yo M. As your paper was a comparison between 20-40 and 60-80, this patient should have been included to begin with? What happened? Didn't you have better examples?
第一步 解释了选择这个样本的原因,介绍了215个实验病例的具体情况,说明没有完全符合要求的样本病例。
……The reasons were mainly as follows. Among the 215 recruited YG patients with lung adenocarcinoma in our retrospective cohort, 44 patients possessed ERBB2 mutations. Early-stage patients accounted for the vast majority, without any relapse after surgery. ……As for the three IV-stage patients, two patients didn’t receive the pyrotinib targeted therapy because treatment course occurred before pyrotinib was approved in China, and one patient regretfully gave up treatment due to personal reasons. Therefore, we did not find suitable patients from this retrospective cohort to validate the new findings.
......原因主要有以下几点。在我们的回顾性队列中招募的215例YG肺腺癌患者中, 44例患者具有ERBB2突变。早期患者占绝大多数,术后无复发......在这3例iv期患者中,有2例患者因为疗程发生在pyrotinib在中国获批之前,而没有接受pyrotinib靶向治疗,1例患者因个人原因遗憾放弃治疗。因此,我们没有从回顾性队列中找到合适的患者来验证新发现。
第二步 进一步解释了选择该样本的合理性,即使年龄不完全匹配,但也符合研究逻辑。强调研究关注的是ERBB2突变,而不是单纯年龄因素。
New patients need to be recruited for the validation purpose with several criteria (See Methods section – “Patient treatment with pyrotinib”). …… The 52-year-old male patient just met these criteria although the age on diagnosis was not strictly fallen in between 20-40 but still relatively young compared to most of other patients. ……Moreover, the underlying logic for HER2-targeted therapy is whether ERBB2 mutation is the main driver of the tumorigenesis but not just the age itself.
第三步 提出改进方案:增加一例符合要求的样本,并补充了实验数据和结果(图文并茂)。
To strengthen this part, following the reviewer’s suggestion, we further presented another 33-year-old (on diagnosis) female patient with lung adenocarcinoma recruited from our branch hospital, who is currently undergoing treatment. …… After receiving oral pyrotinib targeted treatment for 6 months, she achieved sustained disease remission with rapid decrease of metastatic nodules in tumor size (Newly added Fig. 5h-j). Results from the two cases were quite encouraging.
2 实验结果不可靠
审稿人:The immunological analysis part also requires particularly sophisticated experiments and analysis techniques. Since this can vary greatly depending on not only age but also tumor size and location of examined tumor area, the results of data obtained using heterogeneous patient groups and specimens can be said to be unreliable.
Following the reviewer’s suggestion, we removed the bias from these factors by performing PSM adjustment and found similar conclusions with 116 matched samples (Newly added Supplementary Table 7; Newly added Supplementary Fig. 4). These efforts with large quantities of samples should have minimized the unreliability in such analysis with heterogeneous patient groups and specimens.
Furthermore, following your suggestion, we employed another sophisticated technique - multiplex immunofluorescence to re-examine 20 representative PSM matched samples.……Taken together, our results reliably indicated that lung cancer from YG patients tends to possess a relatively suppressive tumor microenvironment compared to that of EG patients.
3 经验总结
① 谦虚接受建议,立即改正,积极寻求解决方案。
② 逻辑清晰,回复内容详实、格式美观。
③ 用图片、表格等辅助说明,展示专业性和认真态度。
[1] https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-025-57309-4
[2] https://static-content.springer.com/esm/art%3A10.1038%2Fs41467-025-57309-4/MediaObjects/41467_2025_57309_MOESM2_ESM.pdf